ADEWALE ADEPOJU JOHN known (ADEWALE) is the Ex Pefti Film Institute Music Ambassador. The multi talented Artiste is not just a Rapper he is also am Actor, a Singer, a Songwriter and a Model. Many people reffer to Adewale as the Baddest Rapper of our time because of his countless Rap.
Last year he did his own KingKong cover which made some people see him as a Rap King. Some people has even said it to his face that he is better than.
In an interview with Princess Adetutu (ADMIN) When he was asked if he believes in what people said about him he said, "i am a good Rapper YESSS! but i still have much RESPECT for OLAMIDE

I admire him so , i love his courage, "moreover 5years BACK 2 BACK king no be small thing" (smiles), honestly i love his carriage and i look foward to being in that level soon.
Thanks to everyone that has been supporting me, I will never let disappoint you.
Don't forget to download my (PANDA COVER)..